Content Sharing Policies

Listserv Policy

The Association of Vision Science Librarians (AVSL) listserv was established in order to facilitate the timely exchange of information among persons interested in vision science and related fields, especially as they apply to libraries/information centers. Exchange of information includes, but is not limited to, answering questions related to the literature of these fields, reference and bibliographic assistance, requesting copies of articles, and/or the distribution of books, journals and non-book material, among members of the AVSL.

The AVSL listserv is closed; to have an email address added, please join AVSL.

Interlibrary Loan Policy and Use of the AVSL Union List

The Association of Vision Science Librarians wholeheartedly supports the concept of the widest possible access to vision-related information.  In practice, however, it is impossible for us to respond to requests from individuals. Only requests from Union List member libraries and institutions will be honored.

Eligibility to participate in this resource-sharing service is limited to AVSL member libraries and institutions. To participate, please contact Heather Edmonds (edmondsh[at]

Please note: Some institutions may require use of standard ILL policy (e.g., email, DOCLINE, OCLC, etc.)  DOCLINE users should consider using the AVSL DOCLINE group.

MEMBERS: Please contact Heather Edmonds (edmondsh[at] for access to the Union List.